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Dracthyr Race Guide - Available Classes, Racial Abilities, Customization Options

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Dracthyr Race Guide - Available Classes, Racial Abilities, Customization Options

Unlocking Dracthyr

Dracthyr characters will be available on November 15, 2022, as part of Phase 2 of the Dragonflight pre-patch event.

As of the Dragonflight pre-patch, you can only create one Dracthyr per realm, and you need to have a level 60 character on that realm for Dracthyr creation to be enabled.Blizzard View Original

Phase Two: November 15

  • Dracthyr Evoker is a new race/class. Available: As the new dracthyr Evoker, World of Warcraft’s first-ever race and class combination, players will terrorize their enemies (or boost their friends). The dracthyr are highly mobile, able to transition between a humanoid appearance and a terrible draconic shape, and their unique Evoker class can specialize in ranged damage-dealing or assisting their comrades as a healer by harnessing the magical abilities of dragonkind.
  • The Forbidden Reach: Explore the beginning zone for WoW’s newest hero class, the Dracthyr Evoker.

Classes Available to Dracthyr

Dracthyr characters may currently only select one class. However, Blizzard has suggested that Dracthyr may become playable as different classes in the future.

  • Evoker: Mid Range DPS or Healer

The Forbidden Reach: Dracthyr Starter Questline

Dracthyr characters have a unique starting zone experience in which your weyrn awakens after nearly 20,000 years in the Forbidden Reach. More information on the questline and the zone may be found in the following news posts:

Forbidden Reach Zone PreviewDracthyr Starter Questline

Dracthyr Racial Traits

  • Active abilities:
    • Glide: Reduces your falling speed. You can activate this ability with the jump key while falling.
      Soar: Muster your strength and launch into the air. Cooldown begins when you land. 4-minute cooldown. Enables the following abilities while soaring:
      • Skyward Ascent: Flap upward, gaining height at the cost of some momentum. Max 1 charge.
      • Surge Forward: Flap forward a short distance, gaining speed. Max 2 charges,
      Tail Swipe: Lash out with your tail, knocking enemies within 6 yds into the air and slowing them by 70% for 4 seconds. 1.5 minute cooldown.
      Visage: Switch between your Dracthyr and Visage forms. Your Visage emanates magic, significantly increasing out-of-combat health regeneration for your party.
      • Chosen Identity: Activate to automatically assume your Visage when you leave combat or after Soaring. Deactivate to stop.
      Wing Buffet: With a powerful flap of your wings, knock away enemies in front of you and slow by for 70% for 4 seconds. 1.5 minute cooldown.
  • Passive abilities:
    • Awakened: Increases your mastery by 2.5%.
      Discerning Eye: Increases your Perception by 2%. Perception increases your ability to spot rare reagents while gathering.
      Familiar Skies: Soar’s cooldown is reduced by 1 min on continents that you have fully explored.

Dracthyr Mount

The Vorquin are the Dracthyr’s racial mounts. They do not start with a Vorquin mount, but they may purchase one from Treysh in the Forbidden Reach during their beginning campaign experience, which is initially accessible during the quest The Healing Wings. During the quest Cavalry Has Its Place, you will receive one of the Rare-quality mounts for free, and you should be able to earn enough money to purchase the remaining mounts during the starting experience.

If you miss any mounts from Treysh, Tethalash also sells them in Valdrakken.

Bronze Vorquin

Description: Respected for their resilience in battle, even against dragonfire, these noble beasts are the prized mounts of the dracthyr cavalry.
Vendor: Treysh
Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Vendor: Tethalash
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 40

Crimson Vorquin

Description: Respected for their resilience in battle, even against dragonfire, these noble beasts are the prized mounts of the dracthyr cavalry.
Vendor: Treysh
Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Vendor: Tethalash
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 40

Obsidian Vorquin

Description: Respected for their resilience in battle, even against dragonfire, these noble beasts are the prized mounts of the dracthyr cavalry.
Vendor: Treysh
Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Vendor: Tethalash
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 40

Sapphire Vorquin

Description: Respected for their resilience in battle, even against dragonfire, these noble beasts are the prized mounts of the dracthyr cavalry.
Vendor: Treysh
Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Vendor: Tethalash
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 40

Armored Vorquin Leystrider

Description: Trained using ancient dracthyr methods, these armored vorquin are the pinnacle of tactical mounted ground warfare.
Vendor: Treysh
Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Vendor: Tethalash
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 80

Majestic Armored Vorquin

Description: Trained using ancient dracthyr methods, these armored vorquin are the pinnacle of tactical mounted ground warfare.
Vendor: Treysh
Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Vendor: Tethalash
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 80

Swift Armored Vorquin

Description: Trained using ancient dracthyr methods, these armored vorquin are the pinnacle of tactical mounted ground warfare.
Vendor: Treysh
Zone: The Forbidden Reach

Vendor: Tethalash
Zone: Valdrakken
Cost: 80

Dracthyr Customization

Dracthyr may customize two forms: Visage, which has distinct customizations depending on whether you’re a male or female character, and Dracthyr, which includes customizations shared by both genders.

Dracthyr Main Form

When creating your Dracthyr, regardless of gender, you can customize the following on your Dracthyr form:

Body OptionsHead OptionsFace OptionsMirror OptionsUpper Armor OptionsLower Armor Options
Body SizePrimary ColorSecondary Color StrengthSecondary ColorBody PatternBody MarkingsMarkings ColorChest SpikesLeg SpikesHornsHorn ColorHorn JewelryCrestFaceSnoutFace PatternFace MarkingsEyesightEye ColorEye StyleEarsBrowsCheekbonesCheeksThroatHelmShouldersChestBreastplateUpper ArmsForearmsArmor ColorWaistBreechclothThighsFeetWing DecorationArmor StyleTailTail Ridge

View these customization options in the Wowhead Dressing Room.

Wowhead Dressing Room – Dracthyr Dragon Form

Male Dracthyr Visage

When creating your male Dracthyr, you can customize the following on your Visage form:

Face OptionsMirror OptionsAccessory OptionsBody Options
Skin ColorFaceHair StyleHair ColorHair HighlightsHair DecorationMustacheBeardHornsHorn ColorHorn JewelryScale PatternScale MarkingsScale ColorEyebrowsHeaddressEyesightEye ColorEarsEarringsNoseJewelry ColorChest StrapUnderclothes TopUnderclothes BottomUnderclothes ColorBody Scales

Click to view images of all male Dracthyr Visage customization options

View these customization options in the Wowhead Dressing Room.

Wowhead Dressing Room – Dracthyr Male Visage

Female Dracthyr Visage

When creating your female Dracthyr, you can customize the following on your Visage form:

Face OptionsMirror OptionsAccessory OptionsBody Options
Skin ColorFaceHair StyleHair ColorHair HighlightsHair DecorationEyesightEye ColorHornsHorn ColorHorn JewelryScale PatternScale ColorHeaddressEarsEarringsNoseChinNecklaceJewelry ColorUnderclothes TopUnderclothes BottomUnderclothes ColorBody Scales

View these customization options in the Wowhead Dressing Room.

Wowhead Dressing Room – Dracthyr Female Visage

Dracthyr Flirts and Jokes

These are triggered by typing /silly or /flirt while on your Dracthyr character.

Male Dracthyr Flirts and Jokes

Male Dracthyr Flirts:One look at you, and my head is in the clouds.
You bring the dungeon, and I’ll bring the dragon!
When I see you, I lose all my fire resistance!
With you and me together, the sky’s the limit!
Let’s ask a Bronze dragon to turn back time, so I can fall for you all over again!
I look good from scale to tail.
Careful… my gaze can melt your heart. Literally!Male Dracthyr Jokes:A Bronze Dragon is never late, nor are they early – They arrive precisely when they mean to!
One time, I sneeze inside a cheese shop. That’s how I discovered my love for fondue!
They say dragons can grow up to fifty feet, but I’ve never met one with more than four!
My favorite place is the library. You could say I’m a real… bookwyrm. Get it? Wyrm!
Is it hot in here, or it is just the immense plume of fire coming out of my mouth?
Can you believe there was a Dragon living in Stormwind and nobody realized it? You’d think the smell of sulfur would have given her away!
You can never have too many Dracthyr… we scale really well! That was… regrettable. https://www.wowhead.com/robots.txt?upapi=trueAD

Female Dracthyr Flirts and Jokes

Fenale Dracthyr Flirts:Those claws look heavy… how about you let me hold one?
Do you believe in love at first flight?
You must be an updraft, because you make my heart soar!
I want to be the wind beneath your wings.
You must be tired, because you’ve been flying through my mind all day!
Cold-blooded? Not a chance! How about I… warm things up for you?
What’s my type? Tall, scaly, and brooding, of course!Female Dracthyr Jokes:The Dracthyr are excellent musicians, we really know our scales!
What do you call a Dracthyr who can juggle? Talon-ted!
I never really have a plan… I prefer to wing it!
I get bored easily. Today really seems to drag on!
Think your morning breath is bad? Mine sets things on fire!
What do dragons and onions have in common? They both have layers. Get it? Layers!
I showed my tail to one of those wolf people… but they just looked sad and walked away. I wonder why!

Lore of the Dracthyr

The Dracthyr are an ancient race of humanoid dragonkin that can use the magic of all main dragonflights as Evokers and shapeshift between a draconic form and a humanoid appearance.

Neltharion the Earth-Warder created the Dracthyr before descending into corruption and becoming Deathwing. Neltharion developed the Dracthyr to be the greatest dragon fighters – Although regular dragons were tough, strong, and loyal beasts, they lacked the cunning and flexibility required to fight a war that Neltharion knew was inevitable. As a result of this thinking, Neltharion built the Forbidden Reach as a covert training facility for the Dracthyr.

The island lay dormant for eons after a horrible conflict – The Dracthyr were commanded to go to their creches, where they were locked away by Malygos, the Aspect of Magic, and there they were abandoned for over 20,000 years. When the Primalists landed in the Forbidden Reach to liberate Raszageth, a surge of power reawakened the Dragon Isles and, with it, the Dracthyr, whose memories of the past were merely a haze.

Dracthyr Weyrns

The Dracthyr army is organized into Weyrn factions. Each Weyrn specializes on one fighting skill, and each Dracthyr is allocated to a certain Weyrn. Each weyrn has a leader known as a Scalecommander, who is a Dracthyr trained for the post by Neltharion himself. Members of a weyrn form an unbreakable relationship out of duty and loyalty to the dragons. There are five types of Weyrns:

  • The Obsidian Warders are tasked with safeguarding the Dragonflights’ friends and strongholds. They are the personification of Neltharion’s aegis, whether dispatched to bolster draconic forces or to watch the sky. They are headed by Scalecommander Azurathel and have been educated to be the principal bulwark against the Dragonflights’ foes. After the events of the Forbidden Reach, the Dracthyr Weyrn joins the Alliance as the Obsidian Warders.
  • The Dark Talons are taught to be destructive weapons, to crush an enemy’s will and destabilize its commanders. The Dark Talons undergo rigorous training in order to be able to strike down ten adversaries from behind. They are headed by Scalecommander Cindrethresh and will be dreaded by all foes of the Dragonflights. After the events of the Forbidden Reach, the Dark Talons are the Dracthyr Weyrn who eventually joins the Horde.
  • The Healing Wings are tasked with serving as a sign of hope for people who consider the Aspects to be allies. This weyrn is tasked with learning the healing arts, harnessing the powers of both time and the Emerald Dream to restore individuals who have been injured to full strength. They reflect Neltharion’s endurance and fortitude, led by Scalecommander Viridia. Following the events of the Forbidden Reach, the Healing Wings returned to the Dragon Isles to continue their goal of healing the injured.
  • The Ebon Scales are tasked with annihilating any adversaries of the Black Dragonflight. They have been schooled in the skills of spellcasting in order to rain down fire and devastation on anyone who oppose the Earth-Warder. During the events of the Forbidden Reach, its leader, Scalecommander Sarkareth, came to think that Neltharion had broken their trust by keeping them in stasis for so long, and they defected along with the rest of the Dracthyr, becoming foes under the name Sundered Flame.
  • The Adamant Vigil was taught to be the Black Dragonflight’s ears and eyes. They were instructed to exploit their adversaries’ vulnerabilities and augment the power of their own friends. Only the most daring and skilled commanders were permitted to join the ranks of the Adamant Vigil. Their weyrn, however, was destroyed by the Primalists during the events of the Forbidden Reach, with only their leader, Scalecommander Emberthal, surviving to serve as an envoy between the Dracthyr, mortals, and dragons.

Dracthyr Evokers

No matter whatever weyrn they are assigned to, every Dracthyr is reared as an adept soldier in service to the Earth-Warder. However, a select few transcend the talents of their allocated weyrn, mastering the specialties of all five weyrns and switching between them at will. The Evokers are the greatest of the best Dracthyr.

Evokers have the uncommon capacity to concentrate their essences into either a weapon of destruction or a preservation instruction. Only a few Dracthyr are able to perfect this skill, and only these Dracthyr are granted the title of Evoker.

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