Enchanting, as usual, will be in charge of disenchanting goods into dust and shards and using those to generate enchants that boost gear stats. They may also craft their own Profession Tool, as well as Wands and cosmetic items.
There are many new enchants, including enchants for Profession Tools, such as Enchant Tool – Draconic Inspiration. You will still be doing these on
Enchanting Vellum bought from vendors in order to convert them into auctionable items.
Dragonflight offers Crafting Specializations, which you can acquire whenever your career skill reaches level 25. These serve as a vocational skill tree system that is powered by Enchanting Knowledge, which may be gained through weekly tasks, one-time treasures in the Dragon Isles, Draconic Treatises, and first-time crafts.
While you will ultimately be able to unlock all abilities, it will take a long time because knowledge sources are extremely restricted, especially if one-time prizes and first-crafts are spent.
If you are a Horde player, Blood Elf will grant you +5 skill points, while Alliance players can be Kul’Tiran for +2 skill points.
Dragonflight introduces a few new concepts to professions, which can be seen in the annotated Crafting UI screenshot below:
Recipe Difficulty denotes the amount of professional ability required to create the chosen recipe to its utmost grade potential. It begins with your base profession skill and may be enhanced through profession gear, specialty bonuses, the grade of resources used to make, and other unique items.
Under the recipe stats, the Expected Quality bar indicates the quality outcome of making the item under present conditions.
There are four new stats for crafting professions, which can show up on your crafting gear:
These stats, when activated, will show up on your Crafting Results panel, as displayed below:
For Enchanting, you should prioritize Inspiration and Resourcefulness to enable large crafts at a lower cost, however Crafting Speed is still an option if you plan on mass-producing enchants for auctioning.
In Dragonflight, you can level up by manufacturing things that earn skill points, but the goal of the profession is finding Enchanting Knowledge and applying it to unlock Enchanting Specializations.
Some crafts require special bind on pickup reagents, such as Artisan’s Mettle or
Spark of Ingenuity. These reagents are heavily time gated in how they can be obtained, and thus caution should be used on what you use them for, especially early on.
We recommend attempting to obtain as many first-craft bonuses as possible while leveling Enchanting, however the precise things to strive for during leveling depend on your server’s material prices and current retail price for anything you are creating.
Enchanters, like most other professions, can use three pieces of gear:
Quality is a key impact in the metrics you may acquire from the gear, as demonstrated in the graphic above. Green variants are bound on equip and from trainer recipes, however blue versions need faction / renown grinding for their recipe and are bind on pickup, necessitating the submission of a Crafting Order.
Also, remember to enchant your primary tool with Enchant Tool – Draconic Inspiration or
Enchant Tool – Draconic Resourcefulness.
To establish a crafting order, just go to the NPC responsible for them in the capital city and access the auction-house-like interface. Enter a portion of the item’s name in the search field and choose the specific item from the list that appears, resulting in the following interface:
You can choose between a Public Order, which requires you to supply all materials but should result in a very quick craft (as long as the gold Commission for the crafter is reasonable) because the entire server will be able to do your order, and a Personal Order, which requires you to specify a character who will then receive this order in their profession crafting log:
You cannot select the quality of the created item while placing a public order. This implies that, regardless of your commission, an untrained crafter is quite likely to pick up the order and manufacture a low-quality item, which would nevertheless offer skill points without requiring materials from the crafter, making it useful even at a 1s commission.
You may define a minimum quality for private orders, and you can always send them to your own alts or trustworthy people, who will then be able to contribute part, or even all, of the crafting materials necessary. This should be the preferred way for all except the most simple crafts, but make sure to talk to the craftsman first and/or place a very big commission, since else your order is likely to be ignored rather than completed.
All professions that make gear may conduct Recrafting, which involves taking an existing item and crafting it from scratch in the hopes of producing a higher quality product with a fraction of the original materials:
The goal of recrafting is to allow you to construct equip improvements as quickly as possible, knowing that you may upgrade the item for much cheaper afterwards. Take notice that if you use poor quality resources to make the initial item, future recrafts of the item will not acquire as much quality as would be expected from using maximum quality components in the recrafting!
While the specific math behind it is still unknown, think of it as having the recraft employ all previously used materials rather than just the freshly provided components.
You may also utilize the work order system to request recrafting, which allows you to recraft goods for which you do not have the profession:
Enchanting Specializations are separated into three disciplines, each of which has several sub-specializations that may be unlocked by putting points into their pre-requisite disciplines, similar to talent trees.
The appropriate specialty for you is determined by your goals: are you aiming to increase your loot tables and disenchant anything you come across as efficiently as possible, create fantastic tools and wands, make the greatest enchants on the server, or simply have fun with illusions? We will make recommendations for how to achieve each of these objectives below:
Taking these skills allows Mystic goods to drop from foes and treasures in the Dragon Isles, making your ordinary gameplay more profitable by default. The ability to improve at disenchanting goods with Draconic Disenchantment and farming Rousing components with Primal Extraction is the frosting on the cake, making both abilities ideal for passive gold generation.
Following this route will aid you the most when it comes to making the greatest Torch of Primal Awakening or Runed Khaz’gorite Rod, and after you’re done with yours, you may start completing Crafting Orders for Enchanters focusing on other pathways.
If you want to focus on enchants that affect armor, such as Enchant Bracer – Devotion of Avoidance and tools, such as
Enchant Tool – Draconic Inspiration, these talents are the ones that boost efficiency of such crafts the most, and also teach some of the recipes.
If you want to focus on enchants that affect weapons, such as Enchant Weapon – Burning Devotion, these talents are the ones that boost efficiency of such crafts the most, and also teach the high end recipes.
Illusion specialty creates fun cosmetic effects such as Illusory Adornment: Air, which will create a glowing effect of the color of the element you enchant yourself with, but only lasts for a few minutes.
You will also learn how to create Khadgar’s Disenchanting Rod which has an interesting effect when used on a “willing” party member.
Enchanting, in theory, lets you to turn inexpensive materials or undesired gear into pricey enchants, wands, rods, and other items. Enchants, due to their commodity nature, are extremely likely to flood the market with enchants that are just moderately more expensive than the ingredients required to generate them.
Making gold with Crafting Orders while selling endgame gear is very dependant on your server, how many (and how generous) clients you can obtain for your products, and timing the public Crafting Order market. The finest gold from orders should be obtained around the middle to late portion of the week, since many crafters will have already spent their weekly public crafting order limit, but the rush to spend what is left of the quota before the weekly reset has not yet set in.
Doing orders immediately before popular raid hours might also be a wonderful goldmaking opportunity, as slackers would want their sparkling new gear produced as soon as possible at whatever cost, increasing their commission to assure completion speed.
When mass-producing and selling enchants, most of your profits will come from timing the market in two steps:
Although it may appear straightforward, most players lack the patience or understanding to capitalize on market timing, and doing it successfully is where your long-term reward will come from. Buying resources to make and selling the crafts at random might result in a loss of money if you purchase high and sell cheap, so spend some time to learn about the market before diving in!