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Halls of Valor Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot

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Halls of Valor Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot

Getting into Halls of Valor

The Halls of Valor dungeon is situated on the eastern coast of Stormheim in the Broken Isles and is accessible to players at level 70. To reach the dungeon, Alliance and Horde players can use the Valdisdall flight point in Stormheim and travel east until they discover the entrance.

Halls of Valor Entrance

The purpose of this guide is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Halls of Valor dungeon, including essential information to complete it on Mythic and Mythic Keystone difficulty. The guide will cover all five boss fights and highlight the most significant trash enemies in the dungeon, along with their critical abilities. If you’re interested in learning about the other Dragonflight Dungeons or the current Mythic+ season, please refer to our linked overviews. Without any delay, let’s get started!

Unlock Unique Bonuses in Halls of Valor

There are going to be 2 bonuses in this dungeon. The first being Odyn's Favor Icon Odyn’s Favor and the second one — Odyn's Blessing Icon Odyn’s Blessing. You can find more details on how to obtain them and what their effect is down below:

  • Odyn's Favor Icon Odyn’s Favor is the first buff you will automatically obtain as soon as you defeat either Hyrja or Fenryr. It will grant your group 75% movement speed for the remaining dungeon, both in and outside of combat.
  • You will receive Odyn's Blessing Icon Odyn’s Blessing after you have defeat Hyrja and Fenryr. The buff will grant you 150% movement speed for the remaining of the dungeon, replacing the Odyn's Favor Icon Odyn’s Favor.

The High Gate and Hymdall

Notable Trash Before Hymdall

Hymdall Boss Guide


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Seat of Ascension and Hyrja

Notable Trash Before Hyrja

After defeating Hymdall, you’ll have the option of going to the left (toward Hyrja) or the right (toward Fenryr). It’s recommended to take the left path first so that you can use the second Bloodlust of the dungeon on Fenryr. Additionally, you can find the Mug of Mead on several tables in the main hall, which can distract mobs and allow you to bypass them without triggering combat. This is a useful tip if you want to skip some extra trash mobs without relying on Invisibility Potions. Below, you’ll find more information on the mobs in this area.

Mug of Mead
  • Valarjar Runecarver is going to be one of the primary targets to interrupt, especially its Etch Icon Etch cast. The mob will also cast Shattered Rune Icon Shattered Rune to random targets, so it is essential to defeat them as quickly as possible.
  • Valarjar Mystic is the most important mob here because of its healing ability Holy Radiance Icon Holy Radiance; stop this at all costs. In addition, he will cast Rune of Healing Icon Rune of Healing, do your best never to let the mobs stand in it (the effect works for you too).
  • Your tank must pay attention to Valarjar Shieldmaiden‘s Breach Armor Icon Breach Armor stacking debuff effect that reduces the armor. Make sure you do not stay in front of the mob because of its Mortal Hew Icon Mortal Hew frontal cleave; it will also apply 10% reduced healing debuff, further endangering your tank’s life.
  • Avoid Stormforged Sentinel‘s Charged Pulse Icon Charged Pulse, anyone within 15 yard of the cast will get damaged. Sidestep any incoming Crackle Icon Crackles and purge the Protective Light Icon Protective Light once the mob drops below 30% health.
  • Valarjar Purifier is the least dangerous caster mob; either side step the ground puddles from Cleansing Flames Icon Cleansing Flames or interrupt it.
  • Avoid Valarjar Aspirant‘s Blast of Light Icon Blast of Light; the frontal is likely to one-shot you depending on the key level. In addition, the mob will occasionally cast Valkyra's Advance Icon Valkyra’s Advance, leaping to a random enemy, your healer must make sure each of you is in a healthy condition!

You need to defeat the 2 mini-bosses located in front of Hyrja, before she becomes available to be attacked. Here is what you should know about them:

  • Solsten will test the limits of your healer because of Eye of the Storm Icon Eye of the Storm doing damage to everyone around. Stand within the lighting zone to reduce incoming damage. In addition, Solsten will occasionally cast Arcing Bolt Icon Arcing Bolt, further increasing the difficulty of the already tough encounter.
  • Olmyr the Enlightened is the easier of the two mini-bosses; all you have to do is make sure you stand outside of melee and avoid getting hit by the lighting orbs — Sanctify Icon Sanctify while interrupting its Searing Light Icon Searing Light cast.

Hyrja Boss Guide


This boss fight is one of the most demanding in terms of healing per second (HPS) compared to other dungeons, so it’s crucial to pay attention. The boss, Hyrja, has two phases, Mystic Empowerment: Thunder (with abilities similar to Solsten) and Mystic Empowerment: Holy (with abilities like Olmyr the Enlightened). The phase triggered depends on where you position yourself in the room. If you stand closer to where Solsten was previously located, you’ll activate Mystic Empowerment: Thunder, while standing closer to where Olmyr the Enlightened was previously located will trigger Mystic Empowerment: Holy. Additionally, the boss will gain stacks that increase the potency of the current Empowerment phase, so it’s essential to avoid consecutive phases of the same Empowerment. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the fight:

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  • Stay under the Lighting Shield once Hyrja in casting Eye of the Storm Icon Eye of the Storm during her Mystic Empowerment: Thunder phase.
  • Avoid being stacked at all times due to Arcing Bolt Icon Arcing Bolt, only stack under the Lighting Shield for Eye of the Storm Icon Eye of the Storm cast.
  • Avoid being hit by the Shield of Light Icon Shield of Light frontal.
  • Dodge the incoming Sanctify Icon Sanctify orbs when Hyrja is under the Mystic Empowerment: Holy.
  • Beware of Expel Light Icon Expel Light; it will always go on a random target, followed by bouncing to the nearest target upon expiring. Swap between each other when you have defensive cooldowns, and avoid bouncing the debuff back to the original recipient.


  • Never tank Hyrja in the middle since you will simultaneously get both Mystic Empowerment effects.
  • You want to swap between Mystic Empowerments and rarely do the same one twice in a row unless your healer is confident they can handle it.


Field of the Eternal Hunt and Fenryr

Notable Trash Before Fenryr

After defeating Hyrja, proceed to the right wing of The High Gate to face Fenryr. In this area, there are several new types of mobs that you should be aware of:

  • Valarjar Marksman is one of the static mobs in this dungeon, they will keep casting Snap Shot Icon Snap Shot to random targets, jump out of melee with Leap to Safety Icon Leap to Safety and having an extremely hard-hitting frontal cone ability — Penetrating Shot Icon Penetrating Shot (avoid it at all costs!). This is the mob you want to focus on!
  • Try to avoid pulling Angerhoof Bull, but if you do pull them, make sure you step away from the Rumbling Stomp Icon Rumbling Stomp and dispel their Enrage Icon Enrage ability.
  • Once you are in this area, you want to clear Steeljaw Grizzly; they are quite easy to kill since the only dangerous ability they have is Crunch Armor Icon Crunch Armor. They will occasionally cast Rending Claws Icon Rending Claws on the highest threat target and Charge Icon Charge the first enemy they get threats on. It will mostly be tank damage, so always watch out for your tank’s health at all costs.
  • At last, the most dangerous mob in this area is Ebonclaw Worg because of their Leap for the Throat Icon Leap for the Throat, cast on random targets. Do your best to stack together and use defensives if you are not at full health.

Fenryr Boss Guide


Fenryr is a boss with two phases, and his spawn location can vary each time you enter the dungeon. He can be found either in the south, inside a bear den, or in the west, near the hunter’s camp. You can determine his location by following the footprints on the ground. During the fight, you can bring him down to 60%, and he will retreat to his den and start casting Licking Wounds, ending Phase One. It’s worth noting that the boss’s abilities remain the same throughout both phases. Here’s more information about the fight:

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  • Be stacked at all times under the boss, in both phases, because of Claw Frenzy Icon Claw Frenzy. The ability does physical damage split between all enemies within 12 yards. The more target it hits, the less damage each of you will take (because of damage distribution).
  • Watch out for Unnerving Howl Icon Unnerving Howl, it will interrupt your cast.
  • Once Fenryr summons its 3 Ebonclaw Worg, quickly focus them to prevent further damage from them.
  • Never let Fenryr catch you during his Scent of Blood Icon Scent of Blood chase. Using your combat-resetting abilities will completely cancel the cast (Example: Hunter’s Feign Death Icon Feign Death).
  • Once you get targeted by the Ravenous Leap Icon Ravenous Leap, get out of melee so you do not cleave any nearby member of your team. Remember, once the boss leaps on you; he will leave permanent Bleed effect that stacks every time he casts Ravenous Leap Icon Ravenous Leap on you.


  • Make sure you stack the Ebonclaw Worg on top of Fenryr to allow your DPS players to cleave all targets simultaneously.


  • Top up players once they get hit by the Claw Frenzy Icon Claw Frenzy ability.
  • Use healing cooldowns once to out-heal the Bleed effect from Ravenous Leap Icon Ravenous Leap.

Halls of Valor and God-King Skovald

Notable Trash Before God-King Skovald

After defeating Fenryr, players will receive Odyn’s Blessing buff, which will allow them to proceed quickly to face the penultimate boss, God-King Skovald. However, before engaging the boss, players must first defeat the Four Kings: King Tor, King Ranulf, King Bjorn, and King Haldor. The order in which they are defeated is up to the players, but it’s important to note that each defeated king will pass on its unique ability to the remaining kings. Once two kings are defeated, the final two will be active, and players will have to fight them simultaneously. It is recommended to defeat King Ranulf first, followed by King Haldor, and then both King Bjorn and King Tor. Here is a more detailed breakdown of each king’s abilities.

  • Interrupt King Ranulf‘s signature ability — Unruly Yell Icon Unruly Yell. Other than that, he will auto-attack your tank.
  • King Haldor signature ability is Sever Icon Sever, cast on the highest threat target (your tank).
  • King Bjorn will throw its Wicked Dagger Icon Wicked Dagger to a random target, dealing initial damage and leaving a 50% reduced healing effect, leaving him as the toughest King to deal with due to the unavoidable damage.
  • At last, you have King Tor; you always want to defeat this at the end. Otherwise, you risk transferring its signature ability — Call Ancestor Icon Call Ancestor to all of his pairs. Use crowd-control effects once he spawns the ancestor to prevent him from healing.

God-King Skovald Boss Guide

God-King Skovald

The Aegis of Aggramar is a shield that the tank can use during the God-King Skovald encounter. The tank should pick up the shield and use it when the boss begins casting Shattered Defenses. This ability deals a massive amount of damage and will stun any player that it hits. The Aegis of Aggramar will negate the damage and stun effect, allowing players to continue to attack the boss.

During the fight, the boss will periodically summon Valarjar Champions. These adds will fixate on random players and charge towards them, dealing damage to anyone in their path. Players should avoid standing in the path of the Valarjar Champions and kite them away from the group.

The boss will also summon Helya’s Gaze, which will cause beams of light to appear on the ground. Players must move out of the beams to avoid taking damage.

When the boss reaches 30% health, he will begin casting Fervent Martyr. This ability will cause him to become invulnerable and summon a group of Valarjar Champions. Players must defeat the champions before the boss’s invulnerability wears off.

Once the boss is defeated, players will complete the dungeon and earn their rewards.

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  • God-King Skovald will randomly target a player with Felblaze Rush Icon Felblaze Rush, the ability hits everyone within 6 yards of the impact, so make sure you do not accidentally “clip” any allies if the charge is on you.
  • During Ragnarok Icon Ragnarok, stand behind the Aegis of Aggramar.
  • Kite away the Flame of Woe, as they will randomly fixate someone from your party. Remember that they will eventually die due to Consuming Flame Icon Consuming Flame and they leave a fire patch behind them — Infernal Flames Icon Infernal Flames (step away from it!).


  • When God-King Skovald is casting Ragnarok Icon Ragnarok, use the Aegis of Aggramar; it will absorb all the shield if players stand behind it.
  • Using active mitigation when the boss is casting Savage Blade Icon Savage Blade on you.
  • After Ragnarok Icon Ragnarok, boss will pick up the Aegis of Aggramar and use it himself, summoning Flame of Woe. It is important to tank the boss closer to the Flame of Woe, so you enable your party to “cleave” all targets simultaneously.


  • Top the health of the player/s hit by Felblaze Rush Icon Felblaze Rush.
  • Quickly spot-heal any player that gets hit by Ragnarok Icon Ragnarok, it takes a few ticks for it to become lethal!

Halls of Valor and God-King Skovald

Odyn Boss Guide


During the Odyn encounter, it’s crucial to have good communication and coordination within your team. Here are some additional tips for the fight:

  • Players with the Runic Brand debuff should call out their assigned rune, and other players should assist them in connecting it to the correct rune on the ground. This will grant the entire team the Branded buff, which provides a significant damage increase.
  • During the Storm of Justice ability, players should spread out to avoid taking unnecessary damage. It’s essential to have designated spots for players to stand in to minimize damage to the group.
  • When Odyn casts Valarjar’s Bond, all players should move towards the boss to break the chains and prevent the tank from being one-shot.
  • When Odyn casts Gaze of Odyn, players should look away from the boss to avoid being stunned.
  • Finally, make sure to keep an eye on your positioning and avoid standing in any avoidable mechanics, as they can deal significant damage or even kill you instantly.

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  • Top up players quickly if they get hit by Glowing Fragment Icon Glowing Fragment, remember if any players die during this encounter, they will be deemed Unworthy Icon Unworthy and they will not be able to be resurrected until the encounter is over.

Halls of Valor Loot Table


TrinketHorn of Valor Icon Horn of ValorVers
Leather WristAdorned Guardian's Bracers Icon Adorned Guardian’s BracersCrit/Haste
Cloth FeetCushioned Treads of Glory Icon Cushioned Treads of GloryMastery/Haste
Plate HandsBattleborne Sentinel Gauntlets Icon Battleborne Sentinel GauntletsCrit/Haste
Mail WaistThundercaller's Chain Icon Thundercaller’s ChainCrit/Mastery


RingVal'kyr Ascension Signet Icon Val’kyr Ascension SignetCrit/Mastery
Leather ShoulderAmice of the Enlightened Icon Amice of the EnlightenedHaste/Vers
Plate FeetValkyra Protector Greatboots Icon Valkyra Protector GreatbootsHaste/Mastery
Cloth WaistSolsten's Arcing Runecord Icon Solsten’s Arcing RunecordMastery/Vers
TrinketMote of Sanctification Icon Mote of SanctificationMastery
Mail ChestThunderfused Val'kyr Hauberk Icon Thunderfused Val’kyr HauberkMastery/Haste


NeckWolfstride Pendant Icon Wolfstride PendantMastery/Haste
BackGoldscar Pelt Icon Goldscar PeltHaste/Crit
Leather ChestHide of Fenryr Icon Hide of FenryrHaste/Mastery
Cloth HandsSilken Bloodscent Gloves Icon Silken Bloodscent GlovesCrit/Haste
Plate WaistGreatbelt of Alpha Dominance Icon Greatbelt of Alpha DominanceCrit/Haste
TrinketHunger of the Pack Icon Hunger of the PackAgi/Str Crit
Mail WristRunebands of the Worthy Icon Runebands of the WorthyHaste/Crit

God-King Skovald

RingWoe-Bearer's Band Icon Woe-Bearer’s BandMastery/Crit
TrinketEye of Skovald Icon Eye of SkovaldCrit
Leather HandsCruel Vice Grips Icon Cruel Vice GripsCrit/Mastery
Cloth ShoulderInfernal Mantle of Conquest Icon Infernal Mantle of ConquestMastery/Haste
Plate LegsGreaves of the God-King Icon Greaves of the God-KingCrit/Mastery
Mail FeetFelstep Footguards Icon Felstep FootguardsMastery/Crit


Mail HeadCollar of Honorable Exultation Icon Collar of Honorable ExultationMastery/Haste
Leather HeadGlory Seeker's Helm Icon Glory Seeker’s HelmMastery/Haste
NeckPendant of the Stormforger Icon Pendant of the StormforgerCrit/Haste
Plate ShoulderPauldrons of the All-Father Icon Pauldrons of the All-FatherHaste/Mastery
BackCape of Valarjar Courage Icon Cape of Valarjar CourageVers/Mastery
Mail WristSolid Gold Bracelets Icon Solid Gold BraceletsCrit/Vers
Plate WristWristbands of Magnificent Splendor Icon Wristbands of Magnificent SplendorVers/Crit
Leather WaistBjorn's Hunting Strap Icon Bjorn’s Hunting StrapCrit/Mastery
Cloth FeetTreads of Light Icon Treads of LightVers/Crit
TrinketGift of Radiance Icon Gift of RadianceAgi/Str Mastery

Halls of Valor Achievements

There are 6 total achievements to obtain in Halls of Valor:

Halls of Valor Icon Halls of ValorDefeat Odyn in Halls of Valor.
Heroic: Halls of Valor Icon Heroic: Halls of ValorDefeat Odyn in Halls of Valor on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: Halls of Valor Icon Mythic: Halls of ValorDefeat Odyn in Halls of Valor on MythicMythic difficulty.
Mythic: Halls of Valor Guild Run Icon Mythic: Halls of Valor Guild RunDefeat Odyn in Halls of Valor on MythicMythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Keystone Hero: Halls of Valor Icon Keystone Hero: Halls of ValorComplete Halls of Valor at MythicMythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit.
I Got What You Mead Icon I Got What You MeadSplash all four vrykul kings with Mug of Mead in Halls of Valor on MythicMythic difficulty.
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