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The Nokhud Offensive Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot

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The Nokhud Offensive Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot

Getting into The Nokhud Offensive

The Nokhud Offensive dungeon is situated in the Ohn’ahran Plains zone on the west coast of the Dragon Isles, primarily designed for leveling purposes. Both Horde and Alliance players can reach the nearest flight point at Maruukai, Ohn’hran Plains, which is located just a short distance south of the dungeon entrance.

The Nokhud Offensive Entrance Location

In this guide, we will provide a detailed overview of the Nokhud Offensive dungeon, including important information for completing it on all difficulties: Normal, Heroic, and Mythic. We will cover all three boss fights and highlight notable trash enemies and their abilities. If you’re interested in learning about other Dragonflight Dungeons or the upcoming Mythic+ season, check out our linked overviews below. Otherwise, let’s get started!

Dragonflight Dungeons Overview Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 12.

The Nokhud Offensive Layout

The Nokhud Offensive Map

Boss Order in The Nokhud Offensive

Players have the freedom to choose which boss they want to fight first in The Nokhud Offensive, except for Balakar Khan, who must be the final boss. The typical route for this dungeon is to begin with Granyth and progress through The Raging Tempest, Teera, and Maruuk before ending with Balakar Khan. However, since there are no checkpoints, if players die during the dungeon, they will be sent back to the entrance.

Dragonriding in The Nokhud Offensive

In a unique feature, The Nokhud Offensive dungeon allows players to use Dragonriding mounts to travel between bosses. Additionally, tornadoes located throughout the map can be used to increase Dragonriding speed and travel faster. This feature adds an extra layer of skill to the instance, as players with better Dragonriding abilities will be able to complete the dungeon faster. It is worth noting that each tornado has a set location, which can help players plan their route to their preferred boss.

Field of Spears and Granyth

Notable Trash Before Granyth

After entering the dungeon, you can mount your Dragonriding mount and proceed towards Granyth, but you will not be able to engage the boss until you defeat the 3 Nokhud Lancemaster guarding him. Along the way, there are other non-boss enemies that you should be aware of:

  • Nokhud Longbow is one of the few static mobs in this dungeon. You should pay attention to it because of its unavoidable damage on random targets coming from Shoot Icon Shoot. In addition, side-step the Rain of Arrows Icon Rain of Arrows ground animation and their 40 yards Multi-Shot Icon Multi-Shot frontal cone.
  • Another important mob from this area is Nokhud Warspear, with their only important non-interruptible ability being Pierce Icon Pierce. The ability is cast on the highest-threat target (your tank) and applies a stacking BleedBleed effect, hence why you should prioritize killing it quickly.
  • You can try to use Stun or Disruption effects to stop the Rally the Clan Icon Rally the Clan coming from Nokhud Hornsounder, as this will make the surrounding mobs gain 50% increased Physical damage done, making them much harder to deal with.
  • Finally, you have the Nokhud Lancemaster; not only does he have the most health, but it will also be important how your tank positions it because of Cleaving Strikes Icon Cleaving Strikes. Never stay in front of your tank. This is followed by War Stomp Icon War Stomp, which you must run out of melee to avoid being stunned by, and Disruptive Shout Icon Disruptive Shout, which must be interrupted at all cost or you will end up “locked” out of spellcasting for 6 sec, in addition to taking AoE Physical damage.

Granyth Boss Guide

The Nokhud Offensive Granyth

It takes approximately 10 seconds to use the Dragonkiller Lance, which means you will need to use it before the Eruption cast reaches around 90%. It is also important to note that only one player can use the lance at a time, so your group should decide who will use it beforehand. Additionally, the player who uses the lance will receive a debuff called Dragonkiller’s Respite, which will prevent them from using the lance again for a period of time. Finally, on Mythic difficulty, Granyth will have an additional ability called Blinding Blaze, which will blind all players within a certain radius. Players will need to move out of the radius quickly to avoid taking damage from this ability.

  • There are 3 different locations for Dragonkiller Lance Icon Dragonkiller Lance ballista.
  • The boss randomly activates one of the three Dragonkiller Lance Icon Dragonkiller Lance ballista a few seconds prior to Eruption Icon Eruption cast.
  • You cannot shoot the Dragonkiller Lance Icon Dragonkiller Lance before the boss activates them, hence why you should always pre-assign a person to be ready to “click” on the lance.
  • It is the only way to stop Eruption Icon Eruption before it wipes your team.
  • It stuns the boss for 5 sec and also removes 5% of its health.

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  • Run away from Tectonic Stomp Icon Tectonic Stomp. Failing to do so will knock you away and deal massive damage.
  • On Mythic difficulty, focus on killing the Nokhud Saboteur at all cost to prevent them from casting Dismantle Icon Dismantle. Stun, disruption, knockback, slow, and immobilize effects work on them.



  • On Mythic difficulty, move Granyth closer to the Nokhud Saboteur, allowing your team to “cleave” both targets and deal with them more quickly.


  • Watch out for Shards of Stone Icon Shards of Stone; the unavoidable damage is not to be underestimated.
  • If an Eruption Icon Eruption cast goes through, it will deal massive damage to the entire party. Be ready with healing cooldowns in case you see a second “tick” of the cast going through!

Ohn’iri Springs and The Raging Tempest

Notable Trash Before The Raging Tempest

In the area around The Raging Tempest, there are several non-boss enemies that you need to be aware of, including Nokhud Stormsurge, Nokhud Tempestguard, Nokhud Skystriker, and Nokhud Tempestcaller. These enemies have abilities such as Chain Lightning, Static Surge, and Wind Shear, which can deal significant damage to your group and disrupt your abilities. It is important to prioritize killing the Stormsurges to break the boss’s immunity and avoid getting overwhelmed by the other enemies.

  • Stormcaller Boroo, Stormcaller Arynga, Stormcaller Solongo, and StormcallerZarii are identical mobs with different names, spread across all 4 packs of mobs that must be killed to spawn the boss. Watch out for Totemic Overload Icon Totemic Overload; it will do unavoidable AoE damage to everyone around the Stormsurge Totem, hence why they will be a high-priority target to kill.
  • Primalist Stormspeaker is the most dangerous caster in this area and there are several abilities to watch out for. First, Stormbolt Icon Stormbolt will always go on the highest-threat target (your tank), but any spare interrupts can be used to stop it. Finally, assign one player to ALWAYS stop Tempest Icon Tempest, as it deals massive AoE damage to everyone. However, if the Tempest cast goes through, the damage-over-time effect can be dispelled.
  • Primalist Thunderbeast will cast Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning on a random player. The targeted person must not be within 10 yards of anyone so the spell will not bounce. Make sure you run out of its Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap ability if you are in melee, to avoid being hit.
  • Primal Stormshield is the last trash mob you need to watch out for! Having a Purge effect will have immense value because of its reflective Stormshield Icon Stormshield absorb.

The Raging Tempest Boss Guide

The Nokhud Offensive Raging Tempest

Before entering the Electrical Storm phase of The Raging Tempest boss fight, it’s important to keep in mind a few things. Firstly, the boss’s Energy bar is initially set to 50 and it takes around 30 seconds to enter the phase. During the phase, it’s recommended to use personal defensives in combination with your healer’s cooldowns. Secondly, once the phase is over, the cycle will repeat with the boss recharging energy, casting abilities, and entering the Electrical Storm phase again.

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  • Periodically, every player of your party will get Lightning Strike Icon Lightning Strike. It is important to be spread so you do not accidentally “clip’ each other, similar to the Quaking Icon Quaking affix in Mythic+.
  • Collecting the orbs of Uncontrollable Energy Icon Uncontrollable Energy on the ground will grant you 5% increased damage and healing for 15 seconds, stacking. Be aware, they will deal damage each time you “consume” one, though a common strategy is to let your DPS have more so you can speed up the fight.
  • Do not stay under the boss so you can avoid being hit by the The Raging Tempest Icon The Raging Tempest ability. Worry not, for The Raging Tempest has a big melee range so you can stay few feet away and still auto-attack!
  • On Mythic difficulty, Lightning Strike Icon Lightning Strike will cause Electrical Overload Icon Electrical Overload, destroying any orbs of Uncontrollable Energy Icon Uncontrollable Energy that get struck by it. Either collect them or make sure you do not cleave them.



  • When the Electrical Storm Icon Electrical Storm “phase” is active, make sure to have cooldowns to cover the AoE damage hitting for your party in the next 15 sec.
  • Dispel the buff coming from Energy Surge Icon Energy Surge as quick as you can.

Teerakai, Teera, and Maruuk

Notable Trash Before Teera and Maruuk

To reach the Teera and Maruuk boss encounter, use your Dragonriding mount and the Tornado spawns to move faster. However, before the boss encounter begins, you must defeat four Soulharvesters (Soulharvester Duuren, Soulharvester Galtmaa, Soulharvester Tumen, and Soulharvester Mandakh) located in four different packs around the area. They have the same abilities as the Stormcaller mobs located around The Raging Tempest’s area. Understanding how one of them works will give you insight into what you can expect for the remaining Soulharvesters. Additionally, there are a few more trash mobs that you should pay attention to.

  • Interrupt a Soulharvester‘s Death Bolt Volley Icon Death Bolt Volley at all costs, as it does massive Shadow damage to everyone. Beware when they cast Shatter Soul Icon Shatter Soul. Though they will only cast it on 3 random players from your party, you will deal 30% less damage until you collect your soul or the duration expires. Finally, watch out for Harvest Soul Icon Harvest Soul. It will harvest the souls of dead allies within 20 yards and gain the Consumed Soul Icon Consumed Soul buff, increasing the caster’s Shadow damage done. This is why it is always best to throw all of your offensive resources at this mob!
  • Ukhel Deathspeaker is another high-importance caster mob that will periodically cast the Grasp of the Dead Icon Grasp of the Dead CurseCurse effect on 2 random players from your party, dealing damage over 6 sec and rooting them upon expiration; using abilities like a Monk’s Tiger's Lust Icon Tiger’s Lust or a Paladin’s Blessing of Freedom Icon Blessing of Freedom will remove the root. Besides that, there is one more ability that must be addressed here: Chant of the Dead Icon Chant of the Dead. It is important to stay at least 10 yards away from the mob to avoid being damaged. When the Deathspeaker is casting the spell, do your best to not have any Undead enemies in combat to prevent him from buffing their offensive and defensive toolkit by 50%. If the cast goes through, you can use an EnrageEnrage Dispel to remove the Enrage effect from the nearby mobs.
  • Once you engage Ukhel Beastcaller, pay attention to his Devour Spirit Icon Devour Spirit where he will “feast” upon his allies and gain Soul-Infused Weapon Icon Soul-Infused Weapon. The mob also does heavy tank damage because of Heavy Slash Icon Heavy Slash and the ability to call reinforcements with Desecrating Roar Icon Desecrating Roar, which can only be stopped with Stun or disruption effects).
  • Avoid being hit by the Necrotic Eruption Icon Necrotic Eruption coming from Ukhel Corruptor.
  • Last but not least, it is extremely important to interrupt Dominate Icon Dominate coming from Ukhel Willcrusher. Failing to do so will result in being mind-controlled and attacking your allies for 6 sec. Using a Shaman’s Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem will neutralize the effect, so simply pre-place a totem before the Dominate cast and let it through!

Teera and Maruuk Boss Guide

The Nokhud Offensive Teera and Maruuk

It’s essential to note that the two legendary centaurs, Teera and Maruuk, share health through a Life Link mechanic. Thus, the most effective approach would be to tank them together, allowing the DPS to cleave them efficiently. In terms of Energy, Teera begins with 50, while Maruuk starts at 0. Once their Energy reaches 100, they will use their respective signature abilities, Gale Arrow for Teera and Earthsplitter for Maruuk. Here’s a more comprehensive overview of the boss encounter:

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  • Run away from Frightful Roar Icon Frightful Roar. Any fear-immune or immunity effects work, such as a Warrior’s Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage, Shaman’s Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem, or Rogue’s Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows and the like in case you want to have higher uptime here.
  • Place Gale Arrow Icon Gale Arrow away from the boss’ locations, as this will help you have less ground effects to worry about. The ability is cast on 4 members from your party.
  • Beware of the pushback effect from Guardian Wind Icon Guardian Wind. The cast is interruptible, so the faster you stop it, the better!
  • Dodge Maruuk‘s Earthsplitter Icon Earthsplitter at all cost. You have 2 seconds to avoid being hit by it; in case you cannot, remember that the damage is Physical so any immunities will help you survive here.


  • Tank Teera and Maruuk together because of the Life Link Icon Life Link passive. This will allow your DPS to “cleave” both targets and speed up the fight significantly.
  • On Mythic difficulty, the bosses must be no more than 20 yards away from each other to avoid the Ancestral Bond Icon Ancestral Bond buff, which will increase their damage by 5% every 1 sec they spent further than 20 yards apart.
  • When Teera casts Spirit Leap Icon Spirit Leap, quickly move to her for better boss stacking to cleave both targets.
  • Use your active mitigation upon Brutalize Icon Brutalize being cast to avoid dropping to a critical health level.


  • Watch out for Teera‘s Quick Shot Icon Quick Shot; it is unavoidable damage to a random player of your party.

Nokhudon and Balakar Khan

Notable Trash Before Balakar Khan

It’s important to note that Balakar Khan is a challenging encounter and requires coordination among the group. He has an Energy bar that starts at 0 and slowly fills up over time. Once it reaches 100, he will unleash his most devastating abilities, so it’s important to keep an eye on his Energy bar and plan accordingly.

Here are some key things to keep in mind during the Balakar Khan fight:

  • Balakar has several abilities that deal massive damage, including a frontal cone attack, an AoE attack that damages all players in the area, and a knockback ability that can send players flying off the platform.
  • Throughout the fight, Balakar will periodically spawn adds that must be killed quickly. These adds are called Nokhud Invokers and Nokhud Champions and have different abilities that can pose a threat to the group.
  • During the fight, players will need to be aware of their positioning and avoid standing in the fire that Balakar leaves on the ground. This fire deals damage over time and can quickly kill players who aren’t paying attention.
  • Finally, it’s important to note that Balakar Khan is immune to crowd control effects, so players will need to rely on their damage output and coordination to take him down.

With these tips in mind, you should be ready to take on Balakar Khan and emerge victorious from the Nokhud Offensive dungeon!

  • Beware of Nokhudon Warspear and its Swift Stab Icon Swift Stab ability; it charges on a random player and leaves a BleedBleed effect on them, so approach this mob with caution.
  • Nokhud Stormcaller is the most dangerous caster in this area because of Storm Shock Icon Storm Shock hitting random targets. This ability will also leave a lingering damage-over-time effect on the targeted player, so use a personal defensive if you get two consecutive ones.
  • Beware of NokhudonHoundsman‘s Shoot Icon Shoot, as the unavoidable damage goes on random party members. Do your best to use stun or disruption effects to stop the Command: Seek Icon Command: Seek cast.

Batak and Balara are mini-bosses that players can choose to engage before reaching Balakar Khan, the final boss of the Nokhud Offensive dungeon. If players choose to engage them, it’s important to note that killing them simultaneously will prevent the Raging Kin buff from being present.

Batak is a large Nokhud creature that has a melee and ranged attack. His melee attack, Thunderous Slam, deals high damage in a cone in front of him. His ranged attack, Thunderbolt, deals moderate damage to players and has a chance to stun them.

Balara, on the other hand, is a powerful caster that can inflict heavy damage to the group. She has a few abilities that players should watch out for, including Chain Lightning, which hits multiple players with a bolt of lightning, and Thunderstorm, which summons a storm cloud that rains down lightning bolts in a designated area.

It’s important to note that both of these mini-bosses can be skipped if players choose to do so. However, they do provide additional loot and experience if defeated.

Balakar Khan Boss Guide

The Nokhud Offensive Balakar Khan

The encounter with Balakar Khan is a challenging 2-phase boss fight that will push your party to their limits with intricate mechanics. During the intermission phase, you will battle against a number of Khan’s trusted minions. Here’s a detailed explanation of the fight:

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  • Balakar Khan will cast Iron Spear Icon Iron Spear on a random target from your party, followed up by an immediate charge to “collect” his spear with Iron Stampede Icon Iron Stampede. A common strategy is to “bait” the charge near a wall to shorten his “charge” and have higher DPS uptime.
  • Dodge the Upheaval Icon Upheaval and Crackling Upheaval Icon Crackling Upheaval abilities at all cost, as failing to do so will drop you to critical health. On Mythic difficulty, there will be a follow up spell called Quake Icon Quake, creating a lingering AoE pool on the ground that does damage upon contact.
  • Interrupt the Storm Bolt Icon Storm Bolt cast coming from the Nokhud Stormcaster during the Intermission. This will allow for better stacking on the mobs and enable “cleaving”, which will speed up the phase.
  • Dodge the Lightning Icon Lightning on the ground at all times during the Intermission.
  • Balakar Khan will cast Static Spear Icon Static Spear on a random player from your party; upon impact, it will pull the existing party members to its location. You have a short time to react and get away from it to avoid being hit by the Iron Stampede Icon Iron Stampede (same charge as in Phase 1).


  • Pay attention to Rending Strike Icon Rending Strike as it leaves a nasty BleedBleed effect and it increases the damage from Savage Strike Icon Savage Strike by 500%. It is best to use active mitigation or any sort of defensive at this moment.
  • Do your best to stack Nokhud Stormcaster during the intermission to allow your team to effectively cleave.


  • During the intermission phase, your entire team will be taking damage from Stormwinds Icon Stormwinds, which is why you want to kill the Nokhud Stormcaster as quickly as possible to end the phase. Here is a good place to use your healing cooldowns.
  • Dispel the effect from Conductive Strike Icon Conductive Strike as quick as you can. This is a very important dispel!

The Nokhud Offensive Loot Table


Cloth ShoulderDrake Hunter Shoulderpads Icon Drake Hunter ShoulderpadsMastery/Vers
Plate LegsDrake Hunter's Greaves Icon Drake Hunter’s GreavesHaste/Mastery
TrinketGranyth's Enduring Scale Icon Granyth’s Enduring ScaleAgi/Str
PolearmQuarryslayer Glaive Icon Quarryslayer GlaiveStr, Vers/Crit
Mail WristShikaar Ranger Bracers Icon Shikaar Ranger BracersMastery/Haste
Leather HeadStoneroot Headdress Icon Stoneroot HeaddressMastery/Haste

The Raging Tempest

TrinketBottle of Spiraling Winds Icon Bottle of Spiraling WindsHaste
StaffStaff of Violent Storms Icon Staff of Violent StormsVers/Mastery
1H SwordStrike Twice Icon Strike TwiceStr, Mastery/Crit
Plate WristThrashing Wind Vambraces Icon Thrashing Wind VambracesMastery/Vers
RingThunderous Downburst Ring Icon Thunderous Downburst RingVers/Haste

Teera and Maruuk

BowBow of the First Khanam Icon Bow of the First KhanamHaste/Crit
TrinketFurious Ragefeather Icon Furious RagefeatherInt
TrinketIdol of Trampling Hooves Icon Idol of Trampling HoovesStr
TrinketMiniature Singing Stone Icon Miniature Singing StoneInt
Leather ChestTunic of the Eternal Hunt Icon Tunic of the Eternal HuntHaste/Crit
NeckUkhel Ancestry Beads Icon Ukhel Ancestry BeadsMastery/Haste

Balakar Khan

Cloth ChestBlessed Ohn'ir Robes Icon Blessed Ohn’ir RobesHaste/Vers
DaggerKoroleth's Crackling Dagger Icon Koroleth’s Crackling DaggerMastery/Haste
Leather LegsLegguards of Adamant Rule Icon Legguards of Adamant RuleHaste/Crit
Mail FeetLightning-Charged Striders Icon Lightning-Charged StridersMastery/Haste
Plate ShoulderNokhud Traditionalist's Pauldrons Icon Nokhud Traditionalist’s PauldronsCrit/Vers
WarglaiveStormslash Icon StormslashHaste/Vers

The Nokhud Offensive Achievements

There are 9 total achievements to obtain in The Nokhud Offensive:

The Nokhud Offensive Icon The Nokhud OffensiveDefeat Balakar Khan in The Nokhud Offensive
Heroic: The Nokhud Offensive Icon Heroic: The Nokhud OffensiveDefeat Balakar Khan in The Nokhud Offensive on HeroicHeroic difficulty or higher.
Mythic: The Nokhud Offensive Icon Mythic: The Nokhud OffensiveDefeat Balakar Khan in The Nokhud Offensive on MythicMythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Mythic: The Nokhud Offensive Guild Run Icon Mythic: The Nokhud Offensive Guild RunDefeat Balakar Khan in The Nokhud Offensive on MythicMythic difficulty while in a guild group.
Keystone Hero: The Nokhud Offensive Icon Keystone Hero: The Nokhud OffensiveComplete the Nokhud Offensive at MythicMythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit.
Nokhud Deed Goes Unnoticed Icon Nokhud Deed Goes UnnoticedDefeat Balakar Khan after healing Ohn’ahra to full health in The Nokhud Offensive on MythicMythic difficulty.
Ohuna Incubation Icon Ohuna IncubationDeliver eight warm ohuna eggs to Ohuna Keeper Taruk in a single visit to The Nokhud Offensive on MythicMythic difficulty.
Weapons of the Maruukai Icon Weapons of the MaruukaiDefeat Teera and Maruuk while holding while holding the Spear of Tolui, War Axe of Berke, and Bow of Sartaq in The Nokhud Offensive on MythicMythic difficulty.
What Are The Chances... Icon What Are The Chances…Defeat The Raging Tempest after striking a single player with 5 Lightning Strike Icon Lightning Strikes simultaneously and defeating a Storm Elemental in The Nokhud Offensive on MythicMythic difficulty.
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