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The Winterpelt Furbolg of Azure Span: How to Unlock and Gain Reputation in Patch 10.0.7

Home / The Winterpelt Furbolg of Azure Span: How to Unlock and Gain Reputation in Patch 10.0.7

The Winterpelt Furbolg of Azure Span: How to Unlock and Gain Reputation in Patch 10.0.7

We persevered through the grind to check out all of the goodies from the mysterious Winterpelt Furbolg faction, thanks to the most recent Patch 10.0.7 PTR build! This faction strongly resembles the former Timbermaw Hold group from the original World of Warcraft.

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You can perform it right now in Dragonflight to unlock the Winterpelt Furbolg reputation. You must do a few series of tasks in the Azure Gap to reach the highest reputation level currently possible with the Winterpelt Furbolg.

For the first two questlines, Sonova Snowden in Theron’s Watch and Garz in Camp Nowhere are the providers. Both of these narratives give some reputation with the Winterpelt Furbolg and can be completed in any order.

After completing these quests, you can also obtain some additional quests from Old Grimtusk after completing the storylines Snowhide Camp and Grimtusk Hideaway from the Sojourner of Azure Span achievement:

The maximum reputation level you can currently get with the Winterpelt Furbolg before Patch 10.0.7 is 2050/3000 Unfriendly (2245/3000 if you’re a Human) by completing all the objectives listed above. It is advised to finish all of the aforementioned steps before beginning the next grind because, as of the time of this writing, we are unsure of what precisely unlocks the next stage of the Winterpelt Furbolg reputation.


Following the completion of the aforementioned tasks and the arrival of Patch 10.0.7, Sonova Snowden will mail you Sonova’s Request, which will unlock the subsequent level of the Winterpelt Furbolg reputation.

Sonova informs you that he has discovered the Winterpelt Furbolg are a reclusive Furbolg tribe that avoids contact with the outside world, and that a large part of this is due to the Primalists in the Azure Span. The mission Academic Acquisitions, which requires you to acquire Liberated Furbolg Artifacts from Primalists in the area, concludes this section. At this time, your relationship with the Winterpelt Furbolg will change to Neutral. You will still be able to “speak” with them, but you won’t be able to understand much of what they say.

Sorry, can you say that again?

If you’re familiar with the Timbermaw Hold faction from the original World of Warcraft, you’ll recognize how reputation-building with the Winterpelt Furbolg is accomplished. You must persistently grind Liberated Furbolg Artifacts from Primalists in the Azure Span. Yet there is a difference: Each artifact you turn in will improve your knowledge of the Furbolg language rather than gain you reputation.

If only learning was this easy…

You will receive an extra skill point in Language: Furbolg for every five Liberated Furbolg Artifacts you turn in. Moreover, Intact Scribe Stick is an uncommon find and can be exchanged for 1 Furbolg Language point. You can start a new short questline with the Winterpelt Furbolg that reveals more about their past with every 25 points in Language: Furbolg, and it will earn you enough reputation to advance to the next reputation level with them.

With this, it will take 600 Liberated Furbolg Artifacts to go from Neutral to Exalted, or 125 for each level of Wintepelt Furbolg reputation. Depending on mob competition, it shouldn’t take more than a few hours to finish the reputation grind because Liberated Furbolg Artifacts drop frequently.


The award for achieving skill 100 in the Furbolg language is one item that gamers have observed. The reward’s wording suggests that the players may be able to speak Furbolg themselves. Achieve level 100 in the Winterpelt language to become a conversationalist in the language. allows for Winterpelt conversation! Although it is presently unknown whether this is just some funny achievement phrasing or if it will genuinely enable your character to speak Furbolg in conversation, the option is not yet available for characters who have already obtained the achievement. But if that were a prize, that would be awesome!


With the Winterpelt Furbolg, there are two methods to get rewards: you can complete questlines to earn rewards for every 25 language points you gain by using them, and you can also buy extra goodies from a quartermaster in Winterpelt Hollow.


You will be able to access new questlines with ending prizes that are Furbolg-themed for every 25 points in Language: Furbolg.

  • Friendly: Winterpelt Totem – ilvl392 Primary Stat trinket that summons a Winterpelt Totem at a target location for 20 seconds when used. Party members near the totem have a high chance of dealing extra Nature damage on abilities and spells. Damage increased for Furbolg allies.
  • Honored: Reading Glasses – Toy that gives your character reading glasses for 5 minutes, but can be quite uncomfortable for the eyes.
  • Revered: Defender of the Winterpelt – ilvl395 Primary Stat trinket that gives you a low chance on abilities and spells to summon a Furbolg ally to defend you for 30 seconds.
  • Exalted: Primal Stave of Claw and Fur – Dragonflight version of the Stave of Fur and Claw, transforms you into a Winterpelt Furbolg for 5 minutes. 10 minute cooldown.


Kazzi in Winterpelt Hollow sells the reputation rewards for the Winterpelt Furbolg. All prizes as of the time of the post cost Dragon Isles Supply. An ice elemental combat pet, food basket transmogs, and several of the previously absent dragonriding customizations are among the notable gifts.

Big Chunk o’ Meat15FriendlyFood that restores Health when used.
Frozen Solid Tea15FriendlyFood that restores Mana when used.
Winterpelt Mending Totem150Honoredilvl392 Versatility/Mastery Intellect One-Handed Mace. On-use effect bonks a target, briefly stunning and healing them. 2 minute cooldown, only usable outdoors.
Winter Pelt Cloak75HonoredCosmetic brown and cream Cloak.
Hollowed Furbolg Food Pack500HonoredCosmetic Cloak featuring an orange food basket filled with food.
Renewed Proto-Drake: Stubby Snout50HonoredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Stubby Snout customization to the Renewed Proto-Drake.
Windborne Velocidrake: Exposed Finned Back50HonoredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Exposed Finned Back customization to the Windborne Velocidrake.
Highland Drake: Sleek Horns50HonoredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Sleek Horns customization to the Highland Drake.
Cliffside Wylderdrake: Plated Nose50HonoredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Plated Nose customization to the Cliffside Wylderdrake.
Paw-Made Winterpelt Reagent Bag100Revered34-slot Reagent Bag.
Hollowed Winterpelt Food Pack500ReveredCosmetic Cloak featuring a brown food basked filled with food.
Recipe: Firewater Sorbet750ReveredCooking recipe for Firewater Sorbet, a food that increases all Secondary stats by 18 and your size after eating it for at least 10 seconds. Most likely a callback to Winterfall Firewater, which also increases your size and comes from furbolgs.
Renewed Proto-Drake: Malevolent Horns100ReveredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Malevolent Horns customization to the Renewed Proto-Drake.
Windborne Velocidrake: Spiked Neck100ReveredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Spiked Neck customization to the Windborne Velocidrake.
Highland Drake: Horned Chin100ReveredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Horned Chin customization to the Highland Drake.
Cliffside Wylderdrake: Spiked Horns100ReveredDrakewatcher manuscript that adds the Spiked Horns customization to the Cliffside Wylderdrake.
Driftling150ExaltedElemental Battle Pet, Dragonflight ice elemental.
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