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Valdrakken Accord Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2)

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Valdrakken Accord Reputation Overview in Dragonflight (10.0.2)

Valdrakken Accord Background

Valdrakken Accord Crest

The Valdrakken Accord represents the five dragonflights’ combined forces and their renewed presence in the Dragon Isles. By assisting them, you will aid in uniting the forces of the isles and reclaiming the ancient seats of draconic power throughout the campaign, fighting against the forces of the Primalists, Djaradin, and others.

Valdrakken Accord Hub

Meeting the Accord

You will acquire access to this Renown-based reputation very early in the Dragonflight leveling experience, while still advancing through The Waking Shores’ primary plot. The mission For the Benefit of the Queen, where you will meet Alextrasza in the Ruby Life Pools, will serve as a fitting introduction. However, because the Valdrakken Accord is made up of all dragonflights, you will continue to have numerous adventures with them as you level. Only once you reach Thaldraszus and Valdrakken, the Dragon Isles’ central hub, will you find the quest Orientation: Valdrakken, which will help introduce you to many of the important NPCs scattered throughout the city.

Why Gain Renown with the Valdrakken Accord

Although all Renown-based reputations in Dragonflight mostly contain “optional” rewards like mounts, cosmetic armor and weapon appearances, toys, battle pets, titles, and unique Dragonriding customizations, they also provide access to a variety of additional activities within the Dragon Isles that reward extra gear that may prove useful while initially gearing a character at Level 70. This is especially beneficial until Dragonflight Mythic+ Season One starts and the Vault of the Incarnates raid becomes available. Furthermore, keep in mind that many of the awards and features from this reputation are account-based unlocks with catch-up options for alts. This is especially useful if you want to obtain some of the unique Profession recipes that are only available at certain renown levels.

For the Valdrakken Accord in particular, here is a summary of all rewards available from maximizing its 30 Renown levels:

  • Access to the Siege on Dragonbane keep scenario every two hours;
  • Additional world quests, including Dragonriding ones;
  • The continuation of the main story of the Dragon Isles;
  • Item level 376 and 389 gear;
  • 21 Profession recipes;
  • 13 Dragonriding customizations;
  • 6 toys;
  • 2 battle pets, with more obtainable from other reward activities;
  • 68+ cosmetic weapon and armor appearances.

Valdrakken Accord Quartermaster and NPCs

Although the Valdrakken Accord has numerous NPCs, there are a few that are particularly notable since they are regular dealers of its various Renown awards. Having stated that, all purchaseable Renown awards may also be obtained from Unatos in Valdrakken! Unatos serves as the faction’s quartermaster and can be found in Valdrakken at coordinates 58.05, 35.30; search for them in The Seat of the Aspects, just across from the Valdrakken flight point. Otherwise, the map below labels all key NPCs located within the capital city; keep in mind that there are those outside of Valdrakken who are not labeled.

Important Valdrakken NPCs

Valdrakken Accord Profession Recipes

Aside from the cosmetic prizes available at various Renown levels, there are also a variety of Profession recipes available for purchase. Some of these may be extremely useful to you if you want to generate more Gold or learn more about your job! The recipes, as well as the required level of renown and relevant profession, are listed below.

Note that all of these recipes can be acquired from Unatos in Valdrakken.

Renown LevelRecipeProfession
11Formula: Enchant Boots - Watcher's Loam Icon Formula: Enchant Boots – Watcher’s LoamEnchanting
11Formula: Enchant Cloak - Homebound Speed Icon Formula: Enchant Cloak – Homebound SpeedEnchanting
11Schematic: Tinker: Grounded Circuitry Icon Schematic: Tinker: Grounded CircuitryEngineering
14Recipe: Sustaining Alchemist's Stone Icon Recipe: Sustaining Alchemist’s StoneAlchemy
14Plans: Obsidian Seared Invoker Icon Plans: Obsidian Seared InvokerBlacksmithing
14Plans: Obsidian Seared Claymore Icon Plans: Obsidian Seared ClaymoreBlacksmithing
14Pattern: Chronocloth Sash Icon Pattern: Chronocloth SashTailoring
14Pattern: Azureweave Slippers Icon Pattern: Azureweave SlippersTailoring
15Technique: Cliffside Wylderdrake: Red Hair Icon Technique: Cliffside Wylderdrake: Red HairInscription
19Plans: Khaz'gorite Leatherworker's Toolset Icon Plans: Khaz’gorite Leatherworker’s ToolsetBlacksmithing
19Plans: Khaz'gorite Needle Set Icon Plans: Khaz’gorite Needle SetBlacksmithing
19Plans: Khaz'gorite Sickle Icon Plans: Khaz’gorite SickleBlacksmithing
19Schematic: Lapidary's Khaz'gorite Clamps Icon Schematic: Lapidary’s Khaz’gorite ClampsEngineering
19Schematic: Khaz'gorite Delver's Helmet Icon Schematic: Khaz’gorite Delver’s HelmetEngineering
19Pattern: Master's Wildercloth Alchemist's Robe Icon Pattern: Master’s Wildercloth Alchemist’s RobeTailoring
19Pattern: Master's Wildercloth Enchanter's Hat Icon Pattern: Master’s Wildercloth Enchanter’s HatTailoring
19Pattern: Master's Wildercloth Gardening Hat Icon Pattern: Master’s Wildercloth Gardening HatTailoring
23Technique: Contract: Valdrakken Accord Icon Technique: Contract: Valdrakken AccordInscription
23Pattern: Chronocloth Reagent Bag Icon Pattern: Chronocloth Reagent BagTailoring
28Technique: Illusion Parchment: Whirling Breeze Icon Technique: Illusion Parchment: Whirling BreezeInscription
28Pattern: Cushion of Time Travel Icon Pattern: Cushion of Time TravelTailoring

Valdrakken Accord Activity: The Siege on Dragonbane Keep

Valdrakken Accord Siege on Dragonbane Keep

The ability to participate in The Siege on Dragonbane Keep, in which you assist a group of drakonid known as the Obsidian Outcasts in reclaiming an area of The Waking Shores that has become overrun with Djaradin in exchange for rewards, is one of the key unlockable features of the Valdrakken Accord reputation.

The Siege on Dragonbane Keep happens every 2 hours and will be marked on your minimap if you finish the first To Dragonbane Keep! quest. Throughout this scenario, you will battle against waves of hazardous Djaradin before fighting a formidable monster, earning reputation with the Valdrakken Accord at each step. Each week, after you complete this scenario for the first time, you will earn an Epic Dragonbane Keep Strongbox, which contains item level 376 gear, Dragon Isles Supplies, more artifacts or reputation tokens, and Gold. Any completions of this scenario after your first for the week will earn a Dragonbane Keep Strongbox, which contains fewer goodies and no weapons or armor.

Valdrakken Accord Sub-reputations

The Valdrakken Accord is unusual among Dragonflight’s four primary Reputations in that it comprises four separate “sub-reputations.” While none of these factions have their own set of Renown levels, they do have a more typical kind of reputation grind via certain end-game events. As an added benefit, gaining popularity with any of these groups will frequently grant you some reputation with the Valdrakken Accord!

Artisan’s Consortium

The Artisan’s Consortium is a division of the Valdrakken Accord that focuses on Professions and everything they have to offer an artisan. While it is a faction that is easy to advance in through various artisan and profession-related missions presented by trainers all across the globe, there are certain lucrative recipes that may be worth hunting out depending on your trade.

The five reputation ranks with the Artisan’s Consortium are:

  • Neutral (0 total reputation)
  • Preferred (500 total reputation)
  • Respected (2,500 total reputation)
  • Valued (5,500 total reputation)
  • Esteemed (12,500 total reputation)

Aside from providing essential recipes such as missives that Scribes may utilize to allow crafters pick the secondary stats present on produced gear, players who wish to become master craftsmen will want to acquire the prized reputation level in order to purchase Pentagold Seals. These bind-on-pickup ingredients are necessary to make high-quality weapons and armor!

Cobalt Assembly

The Cobalt Assembly is a tiny area of the northern Azure Span where blue dragonflight members are guarding a collection of magical artifacts from The Sundered Flame, a rebellious organization of drakonids and dracthyr. It is a location populated nearly entirely by elite-level foes, and your purpose is to fight them in order to acquire stuff that may later be turned in for reputation. You can advance through five degrees of repute with the Cobalt Assembly in this manner:

  • Empty (0 total reputation)
  • Low (300 total reputation)
  • Medium (1,200 total reputation)
  • High (3,600 total reputation)
  • Maximum (10,000 total reputation)

While it may appear difficult to build reputation only by defeating elites, many foes may occasionally drop orbs of Wild Arcana, which work similarly to the Anima Powers formerly found within Torghast from Shadowlands. You can also unlock a variety of “talents” that are active in the region, akin to the Box of Many Things. You may substantially lessen the danger of battling here with the use of these powers.

Cobalt Assembly Wild Arcana Power Interface

There are several cosmetic awards available for participating in this event, including blue dragonflight themed drakonid gear and weaponry, as well as 8 Dragonriding cosmetics. Alchemists, Scribes, Leatherworkers, and Talors will also be able to unlock new recipes, including the best in slot leg enchantments: Frozen pattern Frosted Armor Kit Spellthread and Pattern!

Sabellian and Wrathion

Sabellian and Wrathion Weekly Allegiance

Though they are considered different groups, reputation with Sabellian and Wrathion is achieved in the same way as each wishes to be the chief representative of the black dragonflight at the Obsidian Throne in The Waking Shores. Each week, you will be given the option to choose between the two, opening a selection of daily missions that award reputation with your chosen ally. There is no penalty for supporting one dragon over another, as the only actual difference between the two in the awards granted at each quartermaster is a toy. Each dragon can earn a total of six reputation ranks:

  • Acquaintance (0 total reputation)
  • Cohort (8,400 total reputation)
  • Ally (16,800 total reputation)
  • Fang (25,200 total reputation)
  • Friend (33,600 total reputation)
  • True Friend (42,000 total reputation)

Whatever dragon you choose to serve for a week, your time in the Obsidian Citadel will be spent collecting Key Fragments and Key Framings to make Restored Obsidian Keys. Turning in these keys will earn you reputation with the black dragon factions and will also advance the triggering of a bonus event in which you will encounter distinct uncommon foes. Blacksmiths should turn in one Obsidian Key to Forgemaster Bazentus in particular to unlock the only Profession recipe associated with this area: Obsidian Seared Alloy Plans

Forgemaster Bazentus Appearance

Rewards from these two factions include a variety of cosmetic obsidian dragonflight drake weapons and armor, two toys, a battle pet, item level 389/398 gear, and seven Dragonriding customizations for players who are not Blacksmiths.

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