Strunraan is located in Ohn’ahran Plains.
Strunraan’s presence has been known to make the skies cry. His tempest electrifies the air and wreaks havoc upon the land. Drawn to the gale power, Strunraan now threatens the lands and people of the Ohn’ahran Plains.
Strunraan’s gale mastery keeps any threat away with Thunder Vortex and
Arc Expulsion. With his electrifying presence, enemies struck by his powers gain
Strunraan’s Tempest. At 100 energy, Strunraan will take flight and cause
Empowered Storm.3.1.
Defeating Strunraan has the chance to yield the following loot:
You will find Basrikron in the Waking Shores.
Basrikron is significantly heavier than his kin, and as such, prefers life on the ground to soaring through the air. Basrikron’s surroundings are his to conquer, and allow him to perfect his craft. He speaks and the ground obeys, allowing him to bring to bear the full might of the earth upon those foolish enough to face him.
Basrikron shapes the earth around him with Fracturing Tremor, and
Awaken Crag. At 100 energy, Basikron will take flight, and plummet with a
Sundering Crash, destroying all
Fractured Spires, and any living
Awaken Crags.
Below is Basrikron’s loot table:
Bazual is found in the Azure Span.
Bazual’s special connection to the Plane of Fire allows him to directly siphon power from the Firelands. With the help of the Primalist forces, Bazual is expanding portals ot the Firelands in the Azure Span.
Bazual will unleash Magma Eruption on players, leaving behind a pool of molten magma. At 100 energy, Bazual will fly into the skies and throw Deterring Flame, igniting all players and knocking them back. At 40% health, Bazual will use Flame Infusion to strengthen himself with flames from the Firelands, harming all players with Searing Heat. Bazual will instead unleash Rain of Destruction at 100 energy while infused.
Here is the loot dropped by Bazual.
World boss Liskanoth can be found in Thaldraszus.
Imbued with an immense icy power, Liskanoth oversees the land conquered by the Primalists. Liskanoth’s very presence coasts a chill down the spine of all who encounter her. If left to continue her conquest, Liskanoth will annihilate all who dare enter Thaldraszus.
Liskanoth harnesses her power to confine players with Glacial Storm and
Binding Ice Upon reaching 100 energy, Liskanoth ascends to the skies and sweeps the valley, unleashing a powerful
Deep Freeze on players below.12.1.
We list the loot dropped by Liskanoth below.