⚔️ Conquer the Liberation of Undermine with Our Heroic + Normal Bundle at Koroboost.com! ⚔️
Get ready to dominate The War Within raid with our Liberation of Undermine Heroic + Normal bundle! Complete both normal and heroic difficulties in one go and enjoy a discount when you buy both runs together. Defeat all bosses and seize the chance to gear up with powerful loot ranging from item levels 636 to 661.
Flexible Completion: This bundle can be split into two parts, allowing you to complete the Liberation of Undermine raids on separate weeks so your Great Vault rewards don’t overlap. You can also choose to complete the normal and heroic runs on different characters.
Start Time: Flexible | ⏳ Service Duration: ~3 hours
What’s Included in the Liberation of Undermine Bundle?
- Liberation of Undermine Normal Run: Participate in a group loot run with a chance to receive 636-648 ilvl gear.
- Liberation of Undermine Heroic Run: Join a group loot run with a chance to acquire 649-661 ilvl gear.
- Tier Set Pieces: Gain a chance to collect powerful tier set pieces.
- Chance to Obtain a Raid Mount — Potential to collect a unique flying mount.
- “Ahead of the Curve: Gallywix” Achievement — Claim this limited-time Feat of Strength (FoS) for Heroic completion.
- Crests for Gear Upgrade: Collect crests to boost your gear and performance.
This bundle is perfect for players looking to maximize their weekly rewards and get the most out of the Liberation of Undermine raid!
- Level 80 Character
- The War Within Expansion
Liberation of Undermine Raids Loot Distribution
Our default loot option is Group Loot, but we offer additional loot options to suit your needs:
- Group Loot: Roll for any item suitable for your specialization. This method offers 0-1 items per run without guaranteed loot. After the reset, you will receive three choices from the Great Vault. Remember to be respectful, as other customers are following the same rules.
- Unsaved Group Loot: Roll items with other customers in a raid of 20+ players without a lockout. You have the chance to roll 4-6 items from every boss. Be respectful, as the outcome heavily depends on dice rolls.
- Armor + Tier Priority: A selected number of boosters with a fresh ID will join the raid, ensuring no other customers roll for your armor type and tier tokens. Offset items like rings, weapons, necks, trinkets, and cloaks are contested. Even if you “pass” or “greed” for such loot intentionally, it still counts towards your guarantee.
- Full Loot Priority: You’ll be the only customer in the raid, and you can invite 1 or 2 friends to share loot at no extra cost. All items that drop from bosses are yours!
Liberation of Undermine Bundle Loot Guarantees ️
- Group Loot: No reservation
- Armor + Tier Priority: Armor type + tier guaranteed
- Full Loot Priority: All loot belongs to you!
Thankfully, The War Within raids don’t feature the randomized mechanics from previous expansions like Corrupted, Warforged, or Titanforged. However, some of the last bosses in the Liberation of Undermine heroic raid drop higher ilvl items, offering even greater rewards.
Got Questions?
If you have questions about our services, contact our experts via online chat or Discord. We’re available 24/7 and are always happy to help. Let us make your The War Within raid experience epic with our Liberation of Undermine Heroic + Normal bundle!